Realistic Survival

Tought as Nail

The Flint Age

You can no longer break trees with your bare fists, so you'll have to get wood by creating flint tools. First, find some gravel. Gravel is commonly found near water sources or underwater. Dig it until you get flint.

From there, left-click the flint on a stone block to break it into flint shards.

Break leaves to acquire sticks, and then craft a flint knife using the flint shard and stick as shown below.

You'll now want to craft a flint axe, but you must acquire some plant string first. Break grass to acquire plant fibers, and craft plant string as shown below.

Now, combine the plant string, stick, and flint shard to craft a flint axe as shown below. You can now mine wooden logs.

You'll notice that wooden planks are no longer craftable. Bummer, it seems like you've lost your ability to chop giant wooden cubes into planks with your bare hands. Luckily, you can acquire wooden planks with the flint axe you just crafted.
Place the wooden log down and right-click its top face while holding the flint axe in your main hand to acquire planks. You may have to right-click multiple times.

You should also notice that sticks cannot be crafted. To acquire them, place the wooden plank down and right-click its top face. You may have to right-click multiple times.

These methods of acquiring wooden planks and sticks are not only annoying but also inefficient. To get the full yield, craft a saw and then place the saw and logs/planks into the crafting grid to acquire planks/sticks.

Tough As Nail

You should notice a new temperature circle and thirst bar in your HUD, which displays your temperature and thirst.

You must manage your temperature to avoid hypothermia or hyperthermia and continually drink water to avoid dehydration.

Managing Temperature

Your temperature will fluctuate based on your surrounding environment, including the biome, certain blocks, daylight cycles, weather, and whether or not you're in an enclosed area. You must maintain a neutral temperature to avoid screen tinting and damage from hypothermia or hyperthermia.

As a general rule of thumb, you should build your base in a temperate biome. Avoid hot and cold sources like lava pools or ice blocks. Most armor sets, when worn, will regulate temperature. However, the wool and jelled slime armor sets heat and cool the player, respectively.

Recommended gear in hot biomes includes jelled slime armor and a water bucket. Having a water bucket on hand allows you to submerge yourself if the temperature becomes too hot and quickly replenish your thirst. Soul campfires dramatically cool the player, making them useful for building in hot areas.

Recommended gear in cold biomes includes wool armor and campfires. Campfires (not the soul variants) dramatically warm the player, making them useful for building in cold areas.

Managing Thirst

Your thirst bar will slowly deplete. You must stay hydrated to avoid losing sprint and health.

You can replenish your thirst by drinking water from water source blocks, rain, water bottles, and juice bottles.

However, you'll contract parasites if you drink from water blocks or canteens that contain unpurified water.

To drink from source blocks, shift and right-click the water.
To drink from rain, shift and left click while looking directly upwards.
To drink from water and juice bottles, simply consume the item.

Purified water can be acquired by smelting water bottles or combining a water bottle and a charcoal filter in a crafting table.

Purified water can then be combined with sugar and a fruit to create juices.

To store juices, purified water, or unpurified water, craft a canteen and then combine the canteen with your drink. A canteen can store five drinks.

Crafting Spartan Weapon

The vanilla Minecraft weapons, although decent overall, perform poorly in certain situations. To specialize your playing style and create unique combat strategies.

To craft them, first create handles.

Poles are needed for certain recipes. Their recipes are shown below.

Once you acquire handles and poles, you can begin crafting Spartan weapons. Spartan weapons are made from the same materials as their vanilla counterparts (wood, stone, iron, etc). Detailed information on Spartan weapons, including their stats, can be found here.